Rich Nairn aka The Artful Doodler

Rich Nairn was born in 1975 in Kent, England and has been drawing cartoons ever since his chubby baby fingers could first grasp a pen.
A misspent childhood glued to the TV watching Warner Bros & Disney cartoons led to an obsession which still exists to this very day.
In 1993 he attended art college in Canterbury. It soon became clear to his frustrated art teachers that Rich had no intention of embarking on a career in “proper art”, where they chop cows in half or leave an untidy bed in an art gallery. No, Rich had a future in silly pictures.
After a decade of working in real jobs, Rich took the inky plunge and embarked on a career as a full-time cartoonist & caricaturist… and he hasn’t looked back since. Well, maybe once or twice to watch out for infuriated art teachers with pitchforks and flaming torches.
These days you’ll find Rich at events across the UK, drawing caricatures. When he’s not doing that he’ll be at home with his wife Mai and daughter Skye. They probably won’t know he’s home as he will be hiding in the Doodle Cave creating cartoons and books full of weird and wonderful characters.